Genesee County Specialty Courts
900 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, MI 48502
Phone: 810.424.4412
Fax: 810.257.3602
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday*
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
*Except court closed days.
The circuit court operates a number of specialty courts designed to address the underlying reasons that individuals find themselves involved in a court case. Often the funding for a specialty court is a grant that provides supplemental resources for the court. All of the specialty courts are a recognition that new strategies to deliver services should be explored, with the goal of providing a plan of action to allow individuals and families to regain their place in the community. Each of the specialty courts includes a presiding judge, along with dedicated staff from a variety of agencies and community partners.
Specialty courts use a model for change, sometimes referred to as “therapeutic jurisprudence.” The core value of a specialty court is accountability for conduct coupled with an opportunity for change.
Family Dependency Treatment Court
Judge Dawn M. Weier
Adolescent Recovery Court
Judge John A. Gadola
Adult Felony Recovery Court
Judge Mark W. Latchana
Mental Health Court*
Judge Jennie E. Barkey, Probate Court
Veterans Treatment Court*
Judge Jennie E. Barkey, Probate Court
*A joint initiative between the Circuit and Probate Court.
Additional Contact Information
900 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, MI 48502
900 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, MI 48502